yes! i want this!

FREEDOM Business Creators

Wouldn't you love it to be able to make an income in a healthier and more doable way? 
Something like... a full time income on part time hours, especially as your 40s turn into your 50s?

work less

earn MORE

live better

In this program, I'll teach you how to do it, step-by-step and starting from scratch.

Want to know why you need this?

And why a Freedom Business is your key to Vibrant Energy Living?

I worked for 20+ years in an exhausting 8-5 in corporate Belgium... until I finally crashed in 2014 with heavy burnout and more. 
It was an eye opening experience that allowed me to finally put myself, my health and the lifestyle I wanted first.  And working an exhausting and stressful 9-5 was not it.  

Whether you're heading towards burnout, you've been there or you feel work is getting harder as you age, I'm sure you know what I'm talking about...  it's getting harder to keep up.

So I thought... "there has to be a better way to make a good income" and I was determined to find it!  
I put my dream to action and moved from Belgium to Spain, got my health better, and I laid the foundations for my own business while I was still recovering.

I enrolled in business coaching programs to learn how to start and scale an online business and just like most of the other newbies, I felt overwhelmed and stuck.
They taught an online business model that wasn't doable or sustainable.  I didn't have energy to work 40-60+ hours and do 25 calls a week.  Nor did I want to.

Hey there!

So through trial and experiences, I figured out a better way.

Now I teach other freedom seekers, health & longevity enthusiasts, how to build a sustainable business they can manage on part time hours.   So you can have more time to live and enjoy life.
It's set up in such a way that as much as possible is automated (and I teach how to set it up one babystep at a time), it's able to grow and bring in more revenue if you choose and it keeps running, even on those days when you wake up tired, you feel off, your brain isn't working, you simply have a lot on your plate, from health to personal life and family or you need or want some time off.

If you think this seems to be too good to be true, here's a head's up...  Passive income doesn't exist, but this system gets very close to it.  And it's how I run my business, attract clients and make sales on a flexible part time that works for me and the lifestyle I want to have. 
(with time for a nap, walks and sunshine) 

>> What do you want more time for?

If you've been dreaming about...

A way to live the lifestyle you want or need, take great care of your health and feel great, without a fully booked stressful calendar taking over your life.

A way to make income while in a more relaxed state. 
With space for doing yoga, going for a walk, taking a nap, spending time with your kids, or traveling.

A way to take more time off, like work part time, reduce or even stop 1-1 sessions or earning by the hour, or take a week off every 5 weeks, without losing income.

then this is perfect for you


Waking up being paid upfront for the upcoming month.  What a great way to start your day!

Knowing exactly what to do and be able to work on a schedule that works for you and your family.  

Realizing that if you want to earn more, work less, travel or ... [fill in your dream], you have a business that allows you to do it!

say no more!  i'm in!

say no more!  i'm in!

Join A Roadmap To A Sustainable Business

Join A Roadmap To A Sustainable Business

CLARITY: Break free from the daily grind with a business that aligns with your lifestyle and truly works for you. 

WORK TODAY: Do the work now once, step-by-step and in the right order.

Enjoy the fruits of the work you did before and manage your business in just a few hours a day from now on. 

I immediately realized her program was different - she did not tell me what to do, instead, she showed me exactly HOW to do it.  
Before we started, I felt stuck. I quickly got a scalable structure and an offer in place.   The friendly support and very practical approach stand out from other programs.

"6 weeks with Claudia got me where I couldn’t go on my own for 12 months."

she showed me exactly HOW to do it


anna nordengren
executive coach & advisor

Are you ready to earn
extra + easier income with an online course?

Grow an audience of interested people to sell your course to, through your website and tools, and without exhausting yourself on social.  

Come up with a topic for your online course.
Whether you have no idea or soooo many ideas, you can't even decide.

Set up the tech stuff.
You'll learn how to create your online learning hub, what tools and softwares you need, how to get paid on your website and so much more.  

All the other practical stuff like: coming up with the content, deciding on the format, creating videos, worksheets, audio lessons... and how to make sure your students get results.

Set it all up in the right order.  And make all the pieces connect together so it all works.

In this program, you'll

This is where the Freedom Business Creators
Roadmap comes in

yes, i need this!

yes i'm in!

In a nutshell...

Your step-by-step roadmap to Kickstart your freedom business and Liberate your schedule,
so you can attract amazing clients and make sales any day, even when you're not working. 

Learn easy email list building, free gifts, landing pages, website creation, client attraction on autopilot & more.

Gain clarity on your target audience and create irresistible courses and products they simply can't say no to.

Training videos, worksheets & checklists for clarity; know what to do in the right order to grow your business.

Click-by-click-by-click detailed tech tutorials in the lessons and on how to do all the steps.

Lifetime access to the content so you can go at your own pace.

Freedom Business Creators 🌴

Let's go!


Take a look inside and you'll discover how I'm sharing my complete "Freedom Business Success System" with you, step by step. This system will guide you through launching your first course and marketing it to attract your ideal buyers, ensuring a consistent income, through a business you can run on a part-time.

Take a peak inside...

yes i'm in!

Here's what you'll set up...

Follow the First 90 Days Kickstart Roadmap to set up your Automated Online Course quickly and easily

Design your Offer Suite

Learn how to make an irresistible mix of offers your clients will love, they'll keep coming back for and that help you earn more money all week long.


Create your Online Course

Discover how to turn your knowledge into an engaging online course that clients will love. By the end of this module, you'll have a complete, easy-to-follow course that helps your clients succeed and generates steady income for you.


Color your Business Branded

Design a cohesive, eye-catching brand identity that sets you apart and leaves a lasting impression on your clients.


Automate your Online Course

Set up your tech to automatically get you paid and deliver your online course so you have a well-oiled system that saves you time, delights your clients, and generates passive income effortlessly.


Next, we'll bring eyes to your offers ...

Follow the Liberate roadmap to Make your Website Work For You, Create Extra Cash and Free Up Your Marketing To Do List

Your Freedom Website 'in a weekend'

Let your creativity flow and build your freedom website in 'just a weekend'.  Turn your vision into a professional and user-friendly website that showcases your offers and attracts your ideal clients.


Grow your List with your Irresistible Free Gift

Learn how to create a valuable free gift and set up an automated funnel to grow your email list effortlessly.  Let your lead magnet and a well-designed funnel work for you and convert visitors into loyal subscribers.


Create your  Click & Buy and Upsell Offers for Extra Cash on Autopilot

Learn how to set up your click-and-buy system to bring in extra income on autopilot and start growing your bottom line effortlessly.


Bring Your Social Media Audience to Your Website with your own Links Page

Learn how to create a centralized links page that drives your social media followers directly to your website, where they can explore all your offerings. 


Make the web work for you

This is where you get off the social media hamster wheel.  Learn how to set up your simple blog and Pinterest account and have Google bring interested clients to your website and offers for you.  Increase your online presence and attract more potential clients without exhausting yourself any longer.


BONUS 1: 30 day QuickStart
BONUS 2: Get support in the Student community
BONUS 3: Easy Social Media Setup (value 197€)
BONUS 4: Automate your booking calendar (value 97€)

Plus these amazing Bonuses!

i want this!

The course is brilliant as its divided up into modules where you work through them one at a time. The layout is easy to navigate around.

If you are unsure on how to set up your course, Claudia will be able to help you for sure.
I had no idea a course could be set up like it has the way the Kickstart roadmap takes you through it. Its amazing when you get to test it yourself and the 'behind' things actually come together.

"In one word: Clarity!"


Why students love this course

Anni - Health Coach

CLARITY.  Decide on your course topic, offers, pricing and income goal.

CREATE.  Design and set up your automated online course, client portal, payment and enrollment systems.

CONNECT.  Connect all the pieces of your puzzle so they're a great fit and work smoothly together.

ATTRACT.  Generate leads on autopilot with minimum daily effort, grow a targeted list and audience of future students for your online course and offers.

SELL.  Sell your online course and offers on autopilot and make extra income with your evergreen system.

i need this!

What you'll Learn

This could be you....

 I really like how Claudia has everything outlined in the Academy, step by step, to help guide you through the process.   It was so nice knowing that I had someone to run ideas by and to help guide me.

"Having that expertise from someone who has done it before was a big time saver."

The program is Fantastic! 

jylian b.

What you get:

Your Freedom Business Builder roadmap and that guides you step by step from A-Z, even if you're starting from scratch.

Two focused roadmaps to keep things super clear and organized so you take action and see results:
#1 Your First 90 Days Kickstart Roadmap to set up your Automated Online Course quickly and easily.
#2 The Liberate roadmap to Make your Website and Tools work for You, create extra cash and free up your marketing to-to list by bringing interested clients to your offers on autopilot.

What We Cover: offer suite, free gifts/lead magnets, landing & thank you pages, email marketing, how to create & deliver your online course quickly or at your own pace, how to set up your client portal, email automation and payment processor, sales page, create your freedom website 'in a weekend', make your website and tools attract clients for you & soooo much more.

Detailed, practical and no fluff modules to show you exactly what to do, using the system I use myself.

My specific tech tool recommendations I use myself, keeping it on a budget.  

The FBC Tech Training tutorials: step-by-step and click-by-click tech tutorials showing you exactly how to set it up, starting from scratch.

Click-by-click tutorials on how to set up the tech tools so you can truly set it up by yourself, without the need to hire someone or Google it.  

Tech made easy, even if you're not techie...

Leverage Technology for Passive Income - I'll Show You How!

A super fun and encouraging course platform to stay motivated, so you keep coming back and enjoy it. (I believe learning should be fun too)

My top tips to stay organized, time savers and productivity hacks as well as techniques to make your subconscious help you move forward and avoid procrastination and overwhelm.

A Private Facebook Community To Ask Questions Anytime en be part of a community.

stay motivated and take action with these features

Join today!

yes i'm in!

Freedom Business Creators

Ready to Earn Full Time Passive Income on Flexible Part Time hours?

  • BONUS 1: 30 day QuickStart
  • BONUS 2: Private Student Facebook community
  • BONUS 3: Easy Social Media Setup (value 197€)
  • BONUS 4: Automate your booking calendar (value 97€)

  • Your complete freedom business builder roadmap: Get clear, step-by-step training to set up a simple, freedom-based online business you can run in your spare time.
  • Two focused roadmaps to keep things super clear and organized so you take action and see results:
  • Your First 90 Days Kickstart Roadmap to set up your Automated Online Course quickly and easily.
  • The Liberate roadmap to Make your Website and Tools work for You, create extra cash and free up your marketing to-to list.
  • At the end, you will have a business that allows you to make a full-time income on a part-time schedule, passive income style.
  • Learn easy email list building, irresistible free gifts, small and big offers, landing pages, website creation, client attraction on autopilot & more.
  • Training videos, worksheets & templates to support you.
  • ChatGPT training, prompts, and examples throughout the lessons. (huge time saver)
  • Click-by-click-by-click detailed tech tutorials in the lessons on how to do all the steps.
  • My specific tech tool recommendations I use myself, giving you freedom & flexibility while keeping it on a budget.
  • My top 'client attraction' strategies to get your offers in front of your perfect people for free and on autopilot (no paying for Facebook Ads, no hiring expensive help, ...).
  • My top tips to stay organized, time savers and productivity hacks as well as techniques to make your subconscious help you move forward and avoid procrastination and overwhelm.
  • Lifetime access to the content so you can go at your own pace.
  • In short, FBC is your One Stop Hub To Learn, Connect The Pieces and Take Action.

Plus these bonuses...

Here's everything you get...


Freedom Business Creators


50% off

Special Promo

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-Most Flexible-
3 Payments

You can check other currencies here.

Approx £140 GBP, $266 AUD,
166 € 


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-Pay in Full-
1 Payment

Approx £387 GBP, $736 AUD,
458 € 


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join now for $997

-Best Value-

-Most Flexible-
3 payments




Approx £140 GBP, $266 aUD,
166 € 

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join now for $997

-Best Value-




Approx £387 GBP, $266 AUD,
458 €

-Pay in full-
1 payment

I knew that you would always be there to get my questions answered. you even supported me, when I was not able to build my course. You have a freaking good course which lots of people will benefit from!

"The program helped me become more focused, taking the fear away about technical things."

You are so lovely and supportive! 


This course is for you if you're working in a job and it's time for a change…

You've been through a health scare, made your way back, and want to keep up your healthier lifestyle but going back to the 9-5 rat race... not a healthy option.  You want to work part time or even less, but you need the full time pay.  

Are you tired of trying to meet the ever rising demands?
Are you fed up putting in the hours, overtime and at-home work to get that raise or just to keep your job?

Are you feeling that things are getting harder, like your age is catching up on you?
You want to be as vital, energized and productive as you were in your 20s, but to be honest, you just feel tired and it's getting harder to get it all done.

How would an extra $500, $1000 or $5000 a month change your life?  Prices have gone up like crazy, but your pay isn't catching up.  You want to create extra income in your spare time.  And maybe even quit your job...
You're already getting all excited just thinking about it!

This course is for you if you're a coach or practitioner working 1-1
and it's time for a change…

Do you feel frustrated that your fully booked calendar is actually keeping you locked in an exhausting 9-5?
You want to make a bigger impact and help more people, but you're at capacity.  But what you really want is to reduce or even stop 1-1 sessions alltogether and have your life back.  How would you feel having more white space in your calendar again?

Has trying to get clients online become your main job?
Ever find yourself caught in a loop, tirelessly putting in the hours to attract clients on social media?

Are you overwhelmed trying to get your techie stuff up and running and feel like you're missing pieces of the puzzle?
You want that online course, a website that works for you, a freebie, social media, grow your list, passive income ... but it's just so much work.  And you're struggling with the order and how to make them connect together.

How would an extra $500, $1000 or $5000 a month change your life?  Prices have gone up like crazy, but you can't do more hours.  You want to create extra income in your spare time.  And maybe even quit your 1-1.

Have you started secretly not wanting to make a sale...?
Because selling a coaching program means having to show up for another 12 sessions.  (so many of my students feel this way)

This course could also work great for you if you're a…

Health Coach, Nutritionist, Functional Medicine Practitioner,  a Practitioner using NLP, Hypnosis, Energy Healing, Yoga or Dance Teacher, Hairdresser, Skin Care, Employee, Physical Therapist, Teacher, Virtual Assistant, Woman Over 40,
Post Burnout, Lyme, With Fatigue or Going Through Perimenopause, 
Anyone Wanting To Work Part Time Or Retire Early with an extra income Plan B...

Anyone With A Hobby Fi Cooking, Knitting, Sewing, Playing Guitar, ...

And Anyone With Life Experience They
Can Share And Teach

Not Sure What You Can Teach? No Worries, I'll Help You Find It.

Yesss, I'm in!

join now

Freedom Business Creators

Q: Can I create a profitable course in X industry?
A: Bottom line: online courses can be profitable in ANY industry, the key is making sure your topic is bringing interested visitors to your offers effectively (aka what we help you with inside the course).

Q: What if I don’t have my topic chosen yet?? Should I wait?
A: No! The program will teach you exactly how to refine your topic, grow an online audience, create your online course and other products to sell, and create a fulfilling income from it.

Q: I'm not techie enough…?
A: There are a ton of different tech options to choose from, and I know it can be overwhelming to choose the right one.  I have done the research and testing for you and created a step-by-step roadmap, using the tech tools I use myself, keeping it on a budget.   
That's why my simple, step-by-step lessons walk you through everything in order, click by click.  They're so clear, you won't need support.  But if you do, ask in the Facebook group or use the Vibrant Digital Mavericks membership to get your questions answered.

Frequently asked questions

Q: When can I start?
A: After signup, you get instant access to the whole program and you can start right away!  (that's about 2-5 minutes from now, just enough to grab a coffee and dive in)

Q: How long does the program take?
A: The program consists of 15 modules and you decide how fast or slow you go through them.  However, I recommend you go through the first chapter Kickstart in 90 days or faster, so you have your automated online course up and running and you can start selling it.

Q: I don't have an ideal client, free gift or course topic yet.  Or I have an offline practice or job and don't know where to begin.
A: No problem, you don't need any of this yet. In the Freedom Business Creators Academy, we'll start from scratch and work on all these aspects one step at a time, so you can set everything up correctly from the start, overwhelm-free.

My Mission

To help (tired) freedom seekers
create a low maintenance freedom business they can run on a part time schedule
and brings in full time income,
passive income style.


Yes! I'm ready to Join now!

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