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A Tweak Away

to Vibrant Energy Living


Ready to trade your 9-5 for a thriving Virtual Assistant business?

I'm Claudia!

Hi, I'm Claudia De Voogt, Vitality Coach, Career and Business Mentor and Life Tweaker. I'm passionate about helping women over 40 create a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling life, one tweak at a time...

hey there

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All my best advice on keeping your head cool, clear and confidence. 

Live your best life, no matter where you're at in life, health, or house.

All my best advice on creating a truly freedom-based online business that works for YOU.

“I want to quit my job and start a Virtual Assistant business!”  That’s you on a Tuesday (in a text to your friend), at 6 pm the next Friday evening (complaining about your work week to your cat or dog and partner and yourself), and on Saturday evening (over drinks with your friends).
But on Monday, you go back to work and try to make it work.  And despite your best efforts, within minutes you’re sucked back into the hamster wheel, drama and craziness all over.
And on your break, you start Googling again ‘work from home jobs’.

“I remember what it was like to go to a job that left me empty inside, taking away my joy, energy and happiness.”


Overall, it’s never just one thing, but rather a mix of things…

It’s about:

  • The job content, with too many tasks that you don’t like or are out of your zone of genius, aka the stuff you suck at and struggle with, versus doing what you love and are great at.
  • The rules and old, rigid structures and closed-minded way of operating.
  • The lack of FREEDOM, creativity and flexibility.
  • Being overstressed and overworked, all the frigging time.
  • The company atmosphere. (and some of the co-workers, don’t get you started on that)
  • The free overtime, and unofficially be available 24/7.  Hello text and email at 8 pm!  Not cool!
  • The lousy 20 days off in a year!
  • The constant surveillance if you are sitting at your desk, pretending to be busy, oops, excuse me, ‘working hard’.
  • It’s about the …  you know what it’s about, think about all the things you complain about non-stop.
Not surprisingly, it’s about too much unpleasantness for a paycheck that hasn’t made you smile in a long time.
Insert a big sigh ‘yeah…’

Does this sound familiar?  You’ve had a great weekend, but on Sunday afternoon, around 5 pm, you get sick to your stomach just thinking about going back in on Monday, because YOU KNOW that there has to be a better way to make a living.  But what?

Have you been Googling ‘work from home jobs’, only to end up with jewelry parties, selling weight loss shakes, having to build a sales team, not to mention working for 6$/hour or less?  You’re not alone.  It’s actually one of the main complaints of my students before joining my VA Quick Start course.

Furthermore, you’re thinking ‘I should be out there living my best life…not spending 40+ hours in an energy-depleting happiness-sucking job.’  Or ‘Doing that for another week, let alone another year or even 10 years! OMG! No!!’

But what is a great alternative to the 9-5?

I dreamt and longed for an online work-from-home-and-anywhere-on-my-own-schedule-business for decades (I’m not joking, I already knew that back in 1995 when I was staring out the window, bored out of my mind), but I just couldn’t figure out how to make it happen…

But I do now and am happy to share the fastest and easiest way to make it happen.

And starting your online freedom-based Virtual Assistant Business is exactly what you’ve been looking for!


Start your Online Virtual Assistant Business!

And Create your own job description!

If you’re ready to quit your 9-5 and start a thriving Virtual Assistant business, but don’t know where to start, this is for you.  (and be sure to grab your free VA Starter Kit at the end to take your first action steps)

At this point, you’re not 18 anymore (and even if you are, that’s ok too), so you have years of experience.  This means you already have the skills to start an online Virtual Assistant business (even if you don’t know what they are, that’s perfectly ok, I can help you discover them).  Not just any VA biz, but a freedom-based business doing something you absolutely LOVE!

Just imagine if your next year could look something like this…

You’re able to work from home or anywhere, and choose your own work hours.  You create a business designed around your life instead of the other way around.  Working as a virtual assistant instead of an employee also means you create your own job description.  And best of all, say hello to the freedom, income and joy you’ve been dreaming about.

But … how do you get started?

Well, there are a couple of ways to start your Virtual Assistant business.  You can take the next year and Google the pieces together, but omg, there’s so much information out there.  Or you can get there faster.  You want to quit your 9-5 asap, right!  So start asap too.

How about right now?

I’ve created a free VA Starter Kit to help you get instant clarity about your dream freedom-based Virtual Assistant Business.

You’ll discover exactly what you need to start working from home with your very own dream VA business.

I’ve done it and so can you.  You have skills and experience to share and it’s time to get paid for them AND have a life.  You too can start an online business at home, do work you actually ENJOY, and start building your own FUTURE.

Grab your free VA Starter Kit here!

and dive in right away.

Are you excited?!  I’m excited for you already!  Because building a freedom-based VA business is the fastest way I know to create great income online.

See you on the inside!


P.S. Can you think of a friend or co-worker who’s also looking to set up an alternative for the 9-5 in the next 6 months?  Share the link, dive in together, and let’s get you going!

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Hi, I'm Claudia Juliet

Belgian expat living in the south of Spain, loving the life in the sun that I started dreaming about as a teenager. 
Passionate about making your dream of a freedom-based online business a tangible reality!  
I can't wait to help you leap forward in life and business.

a tweak away

with A Tweak Away

What if creating your happier life is just a tweak away?

Vibrant Energy Lifestyle Coaching for Women over 40, ready to feel Energized, Empowered & Enjoy Life Again.


Claudia De Voogt is a certified practitioner(s) of Havening Techniques. Havening Techniques is a registered trademark of Ronald Ruden, 15 East 91st Street, New York. www.havening.org

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Small Changes, Big Impact